Friday, November 19, 2010

Site Analysis

Highlighting Major routes and access points to the site. A selected figure ground shows historic context.

By simply playing with coloring and image display the lines of the surrounding context pops, showing the linearity of area. Highlighting my site with a different color and "language"  the urban fabric is challenged and a contrast is achieved.

The interesting aspect of this site is its "melting pot" qualities offering several different programs. In the larger scale of things, this site acts as a threshold to the rest of the city (the zone between smaller scale residential and larger scale commercial).

Progressive sections reveal the sites contours as well as its qualities of expanding and occupying side alleyways.

Height study with the darker fill as the highest reinforces the threshold between the scales of the city.

Model shows the progression and manipulation of the topography of Beacon Hill over the years. Black is current where the chipboard represents the past and the Tri-Mountain aspect. The strips of white are major roadways that have remained. The chipboard grid shows the old "social system." On one side of the hill was the wealthier more organized neighborhood, whereas the other side was disconnected and streets ended in dead ends. This more disorganized zone was for the lower class at one point. The intention of this model was to represent the change in topography but also to show that my site is actually the tallest point in Boston-Proper. 

FEEDBACK: After presentations, it was suggested to not focus on specifically Beacon Hill, but to look at this area in the larger picture only in relation to the city. Also emphasize the fact that this area is a threshold between Downtown and the rest of the city. This references one of the earliest studies that was done on the 'onion effect.'

Site Documentation

First of thesis statement / introduction to prospectus

The threshold, among many architectural details, tends to be overlooked and quite often passed through on a regular basis. Without ever questioning this boundary, we neglect to consider that this moment could embody something more, a moment where one idea, principle, or feeling ends and another potentially begins. In parallel with that of the human life, a threshold represents a continuous state of transition, implying a dynamic experience and one that could potentially grow, neglecting any sort of static behavior. This thesis stimulates the concept of a place where the user can rest in preparation and anticipation of the next. At the point of threshold is where it is desired to suspend the moment and prolong the experience, ultimately creating an exaggerated transition. The outcome would entail an inhabitable space; or spatial threshold, and how an individual will essentially dwell within, occupy, and experience this intermediate zone.

Height Study: lowest height
Height Study: middle height

Height Study: tallest height

Monday, November 1, 2010

Potential Sites


Thesis today....

The threshold itself can be defined literally as a physical element between two spaces as well as a moment in architecture where one idea, principle, or feeling ends and another begins. It is the latter of the two that stimulates the concept of a place where the user can rest in preparation and anticipation of the next. At the point of threshold is where it is desired to freeze the moment and prolong the experience, ultimately creating an escape. Human life within a space is what gives that space its life, therefore an individual’s interaction with oneself; with another individual; and with nature assists in defining what can become the quintessential destination. 

Site #1

Site #2

Site #3

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Program? What do you mean program?

The threshold itself can be defined literally as a physical element between two spaces as well as a moment in architecture where one idea, principle, or feeling ends and another begins. It is the latter of the two that stimulates the concept of a place where one can rest in preparation and anticipation of the next. At the point of threshold is where it is desired to freeze the moment and “elongate” the experience, ultimately creating an exaggerated space. By physically implying this pause, a destination and relief from the world’s pressures becomes an experience.

Circulation and organization of program begins to suggest basically how would this "building" begin to make sense? Notice the gradient, this is not for visual appeal, it actually suggest indoor (brighter) and outdoor space (darker) and how the two fade into one another. Be sure to look below!

Adjacencies and the "anti-cootie" test

Monday, September 27, 2010

The phases of the collage, morphing into a visual abstract...

STAGE 1: Understanding and defining a term....

Rhythm: Not only is rhythm suggested, but perspective is also experienced.
Threshold (Chosen for final): The horizon has always intrigued me as a transition between two "zones", visually the horizon acts as a threshold between the sky and the ocean, however physically the two never meet.

Threshold: A threshold suggests a transition between two landforms, this collage takes the literal meaning of a threshold and applies it to a figurative idea.
Passage of time: By standing in one place over the course of the day, a sense of time  is obvious and experienced. As a side note, the sun rises in the east (right) and sets in the west (left).

Passage of Time (Chosen for final): The process of construction is studied

STAGE 2: Final Collage

Passage of Time: Continuing with the process of construction, I focused on concrete as a material. The process of making concrete includes portland cement, water, and various aggregates. Starting from the bottom, the coloring represents the all of the ingredients slowing mixing and settling to create the solid of concrete.

Threshold: Continuing with the idea of thresholds, the horizon visually acts as a transition between the sky and the ocean. This threshold is, however, not physical, and you are essentially always stuck in this mode of transition. By blurring the horizon line, the threshold becomes less obvious.